At Origin we have 49 hens and of course Jaroo the rooster! We have a lovely mix of organic hens, my favourites are the white leghorns, they are slightly smaller than the others but lay gorgeous white eggs with a really hard shell. All in all we get around 40 eggs a day from our hens, so plenty of omelette eating.
Our hens have an automatic door opener/closer that works with the sun light. As soon as the sun comes up the little door opens and the hens catch the early worms! At dusk the hens all queue to get into their hut to roost for the night, Jaroo waits for all the ladies to go in then he does one last check, a circuit around the hut and then goes in last. What a gentleman! We are hoping to get an incubator so that we can breed our lovely hens, we have lots of people who want chicks.